We literally passed through Saskatoon. We arrived late in the evening and on route to our hotel, making a right then left we passed a pickup truck with the word MAKERSPACE in the back window. Stop. Back. A business card under the wiper. Impressed that we found a maker in less than 3 minutes from our arrival we checked in at the hotel and went for a late-evening snack (deep fried poutine spring rolls from The Rook and Raven Pub – miam!). Looking online to find more information about that makerspace, we started to chat with Devon, the Makerspace founder, with his wife. It was late, he was just back from a trip. We set up a meeting over a coffee for the next morning.
The Saskatoon Makerspace is brand new. It opened just 4 months ago. Located in a cool part of town, with a nice mix of trendy shops, coworking, cafés and car dealers. The space is sunny, well organized and provide just about everything you need to make your dreams come true. Devon sees his enterprise as a business althouh he has a strong commitment to make the place’s machines accessible to all and to work with Saskatoon’s ecosystem as well. Both cofounder put themselves on the line to provide the community with a structured and efficient space that is welcoming and engaging to the makers community.
It was too short of a visit but we were impressed by what we’ve seen and we hope to be able to spend more time there as we head back East in the next few weeks. But for now, we’re in Edmonton finding what’s going on and working on staying in touch with our own community… You?